In 2021 Schneider launched the Go Green challenge on the Agorize platform and registered the highest number of students so far – 25,458 students who submitted 2,744 eligible ideas. Learn more about the success of the program and how Agorize helped.
Could you briefly describe the Go Green program and its objectives?
Schneider Go Green is Schneider Electric’s global student competition. The competition started in 2011 with the objective to connect with students worldwide and enable them to explore careers at Schneider Electric. As well as being aligned to our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion approach, Schneider Go Green also reflects our commitment to a more sustainable future, inviting students globally to share their ideas to tackle climate change while being mentored by industry leaders.
Could you tell us about the history behind the launch and your experience bringing it to Asia?
In 2011 we only had 8 countries, with less than 500 students solving business cases. In 2014 we opened the competition to all countries worldwide to provide more opportunities to students globally, with Asia being one of the key markets we focused on.
Can you share the results of the program? How many students have registered for this program? How many ideas were submitted through this program?
In 2021, 25,458 students registered for Schneider Go Green – our largest number so far! 2,744 eligible ideas were submitted.
How many candidates were selected to join Schneider Electric through this program?
In Europe, each of the finalists (18) were offered an internship with Schneider. Our 2020 winners from Colombia both started in permanent roles in 2021, while all students are invited to share their CVs and register in our talent pool for further opportunities.
How long is the process, from idea selection to candidate selection?
The entire cycle varies by region to make it practical for different university calendars around the globe. But on average, it takes 6 months.
What is it that excites you about this program?
I believe that Schneider Go Green is an excellent opportunity for professional development for students. Imagine the chance to be mentored by business leaders, get access to e-learning, gain new insights, connect with HR teams in a multinational company and also have the opportunity to win a prize worth 10,000 euros. This and more is available through Schneider Go Green.
How has this program benefitted Schneider Electric?
Schneider Go Green is important for our brand awareness and impacts millions of people each year, inviting them to know and experience more about the company. In 2021 more than 25k students registered for Go Green, having access to Schneider content and information about early careers in the company. This impacts our talent pipeline, and it shows how students are connecting to our brand and values. Moreover, over 300 employees volunteered to evaluate students’ ideas and mentor teams, allowing them to connect with tomorrow’s ideas and talent.
What are some key takeaways that you have learned in this program?
- There’s no age limit for learning. While students are learning from our mentors, our mentors are also learning from students – we learn every day.
- Diversity and Inclusion are key. Ensuring the competition respects the cultural nuances of the different regions makes the difference in all ideation cycles.
- Innovation starts locally. Sometimes, when we think about making an impact, we think globally. But looking at sustainability challenges in your community, you will find great opportunities to innovate and make a positive impact.
- Empower the next generation. Schneider Go Green is all about empowering the next generation. In particular, a hyper-connected generation who grew up knowing the climate challenges we face and can offer fresh perspectives and ideas to drive creative solutions.
- Done is better than perfectly undone. Some past winners’ testimonials prove that the very first step is trying. You don’t need to have a perfect project to join the competition – if the idea is good enough for answering our challenge, mentors will help you with details 😉
Why do you choose Agorize as your partner? How has Agorize supported the growth and effectiveness of this program?
In 2019 we were looking for a partner to help us amplify the competition with a user-friendly platform supporting a high volume of student connections and projects with an excellent end-user experience. Agorize fits perfectly with what we were looking for – their connections and network helped more students know about the competition, achieving a 12-year record of registrations in 2021, with a platform that supports team formation, online judging and mentor connections.