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Today’s events in Ukraine have generated powerful emotions both in our country and around the world. 

Over a million refugees fled to neighboring countries and many of them will settle down in Western Europe. This tragic event we are seeing unfold in front of our eyes, makes us feel helpless and still we ask ourselves “What can we do? How can we help?” 

Agorize employees decided to responsibly engage  in the Ukrainian cause by helping refugees find a job.

That’s how the Job4Ukraine initiative was launched. It aims to facilitate job search for refugees in France and all across the European countries. 

Job4Ukraine by Agorize initiative.

How can we help you?

Our tech platform connects enterprises and job seekers. 

In these times of humanitarian crisis, we provide a job board, hosted by our platform, free of charge specifically for this cause.

How to post a job?

If you’re a company that wants to recruit talent from Ukraine, You can make a difference by employing a talent that needs support and financial stability. Help refugees regain a touch of normality.  

It’s easy: click on the post a job button, create your profile, add job openings and contact the profiles you’re interested in.

How to apply for a job?

It’s a simple one click action. Just click on apply, create your account on the platform and send us your application.
Check the below list and find the job opportunity that corresponds to your profile.

  • Retail 
  • Customer relationship (advisors, etc.)
  • Engineers (tech, industries…)
  • Hospitality & restaurants
  • Housework
  • Nursing staff
  • Construction industry
  • Logistics
  • Other

We will make sure that your company gets the right talent on board.

In these times of uncertainty, you can be a change in their lives. Through a job, they can make connections and become a part of the community. 

We are committed to this initiative and we will do our best to help these people find a job and have a new start in their life. 

Sharing is caring

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Agorize comes from “Agora” and “Rise” and empowers companies and people from all over the world through Open innovation Challenges.

Learn more about  job4ukraine , our initiative to help refugees from Ukraine find a job in Europe.

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